ICSC conference partners with SpatialChat virtual networking platform to deliver social interactions similar to a real-life meeting experience.
Curious to try?
Important: We organise several training sessions where you can test the software and directly ask questions.
3 Nov 2020, 15:00 CET (time convertor): focus on chairing the oral sessions
4 Nov 2020, 13:00 CET (time convertor): for poster/oral presenters (general intro)
4 Nov 2020, 15:00 CET (time convertor): keynote speakers & special sessions
5 Nov 2020, 8:30 CET (time convertor): for poster/oral presenters (general intro) – Australia/Asia friendly
8 Nov 2020, 13:00 CET (time convertor): keynote speakers & special sessions
8 Nov 2020, 16:00 CET (time convertor): for poster/oral presenters (general intro)
Just show up in the conference space to join the tour.
First, start by watching the original instruction video that will teach you all the basics that you need to know.
Then, have a look at our ICSC-adopted quick-start guide that specifically focuses on the presentation formats that the conference will use.
Finally, what is theory without practice? Test your new skills by diving into the conference cyber space. Invite some of your colleagues (they can use the same link) so that you actually can test the interactions in real time.
Important: During the conference, the space will be protected with a password. The password will be sent out to the registered participants few days before the conference start.
Technical tips
- Use headphones rather than external speakers. In big meetings, the risk of getting echos is high, let’s try to minimise it.
- SpatialChat recommends Google Chrome as the web-browser during the conference. In case you experience technical problems, changing the browser is the first thing to try.
- Use a standard computer mouse with a wheel. While, theoretically, you can survive with a laptop touchpad, the experience is much more natural and seamless wihen you use a mouse.