9th International Cycling Safety Conference | Lund, Sweden

Safe cycling as an integral part of the future mobility system: planning and designing for a safe interaction between road users

Special issue

Accident Analysis & Prevention (ISSN 0001-4575, Impact Factor 3.058 in 2019) provides wide coverage of the general areas relating to accidental injury and damage, including the pre-injury and immediate post-injury phases. Published papers deal with medical, legal, economic, educational, behavioral, theoretical or empirical aspects of transportation accidents, as well as with accidents at other sites.

The journal organized a special issue devoted to the ICSC 2020/21 conference.

Díaz Fernández, P., M. Lindman, I. Isaksson-Hellman, H. Jeppsson, J. Kovaceva (2022) Description of same-direction car-to-bicycle crash-scenarios using real-world data from Sweden, Germany, and a global crash database. Accident Analysis & Prevention 168, 106587

von Stülpnagel, R., N. Binnig (2022) How safe do you feel? – A large-scale survey concerning the subjective safety associated with different kinds of cycling lanes. Accident Analysis & Prevention 167, 106577

Terashima, T., K. Kato, R. Oga, N. Takubo, K. Mizuno (2022) Experimental study on car collisions with bicycles equipped with child seats. Accident Analysis & Prevention 166, 106535

Niska, A., J. Wenäll, J. Karlström (2022) Crash tests to evaluate the design of temporary traffic control devices for increased safety of cyclists at road works. Accident Analysis & Prevention 166, 106529
Eriksson, J., A. Niska, Å. Forsman (2022) Injured cyclists with focus on single-bicycle crashes and differences in injury severity in Sweden. Accident Analysis & Prevention 165, 106510
von Stülpnagel, R., C. Petinaud, S. Lißner (2022) Crash risk and subjective risk perception during urban cycling: Accounting for cycling volume. Accident Analysis & Prevention 164, 106470

Stigson, H., M. Klingegård, I. Malakuti (2021) Electric scooters injuries and causes: analysis of Swedish accident data 2019. Accident Analysis & Prevention 163, 106466

Haworth, N., A. Schramm, D. Twisk (2021) Changes in shared and private e-scooter use in Brisbane, Australia and their safety implications. Accident Analysis & Prevention 163, 106451

Saul, H., M. Junghans, M. Dotzauer, K. Gimm (2021) Online risk estimation of critical and non-critical interactions between right-turning motorists and crossing cyclists by a decision tree. Accident Analysis & Prevention 163, 106449

Vingaard Olesen, A., T. Kidholm Osmann Madsen, T. Hels, M. Hosseinpour, H. Spaabæk Lahrmann (2021) Single-bicycle crashes: An in-depth analysis of self-reported crashes and estimation of attributable hospital cost. Accident Analysis & Prevention 161, 106353

Arias D., D. Ederer, M. O. Rodgers, M. P. Hunter, K. E. Watkins (2021) Estimating the effect of vehicle speeds on bicycle and pedestrian safety on the Georgia arterial roadway network. Accident Analysis & Prevention 161, 106351

Gildea, K., D. Hall, C. Simms (2021) Configurations of underreported cyclist-motorised vehicle and single cyclist collisions: Analysis of a self-reported survey. Accident Analysis & Prevention 159, 106264

Utriainen, R., M. Pöllänen (2021) How automated vehicles should operate to avoid fatal crashes with cyclists? Accident Analysis & Prevention 154, 106097

Webinar 2020

Single bicycle crashes as a rising problem

The pandemic situation led to changes in many plans, including postponement of the ICSC 2020 conference. To keep the spirit high and the community feeling warm, we organized an online event (webinar) that took place on 5th November 2020.


Paul Schepers

Single-bicycle crashes and infrastructure maintenance

Anna Niska

Traffic safety of e-bikes and technical solutions to increase cycling safety

Oliver Maier
Bosch (DE)

Single-bicycle crashes and alcohol

Noora Airaksinen
University of Eastern Finland (FI)

Long-term consequences of single-bicycle crashes

Karin Klein Wolt
VeiligheidNL (NL)

Conference programme


Anders Söderberg
Lund Municipality

Keynote speech I

Marco te Brömmelstroet
University of Amsterdam

Keynote speech II

Torkel Bjørnskau
Institute of Transport Economics

Special session I: Cycling in Corona time

Perspective of Cycling Industry—Cycling in times of COVID

Oliver Maier
Bosch (DE)
Maarten Pelgrim
Royal Gazelle (NL)

COVID-19 Impacts on Cycling, 2019–2020

Ralph Buehler
Virginia Tech (US)
John Pucher
Ruttgers University (US)

Pop-up bike lanes and temporary shared space in Vienna during COVID-19 pandemic

Harald Frey
Barbara Laa
Ulrich Leth
Technical University Vienna (AU)

Bicycle-friendly transport policies and resident’s quality of life: evaluating the impact of new bike lanes on a major road in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Martin Lanzendorf
Clara Scheffler
Laura Trost
Simon Werschmöller
Goethe University Frankfurt (DE)

Special session II: Components of Safe System for cycling

The session was organised in close co-operation with the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).

A systematic review of the impact of bicycle helmet legislation on cycling

Jake Olivier
UNSW Sydney (AU)

Traffic Safety by a System Approach—The Potential of Vehicle and Road Infrastructure Interventions in bicyclist accidents

Helena Stigsson
Folksam (SE)

What happens when cycling increases—the relations between cycling and the number of accidents

Krister Spolander
Spolander Consulting (SE)

Adaptation of the system to human conditions

Johan Lindberg
Trafikverket (SE)

Policy for safer cycling

Can road safety policy escape the automobility norm in transport policy and facilitate cycling instead? The cases of the Sweden and the Netherlands

Janet Van der Meulen
Lund University/Trafikverket (SE)


The European Road Safety Charter

Wouter Van den Berghe
VIAS Institute (BE)

Why Cities with High Bicycling Rates are Safer for All Road Users: An Analysis of Mid-Size Cities

Nick Ferenchak
University of New Mexico (US)

Missing analyses and uncritical citations: The alleged 20:1 benefit-to-cost ratio of cycling

Igor Radun
University of Helsinki (FI)

Single bicycle accidents

Injured cyclists with focus on single-bicycle crashes

Jenny Eriksson
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI (SE)

Single bicycle crashes – an analysis of self-reported crashes

Anne Vingaard Olesen
Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University (DK)

Crash tests to evaluate the design of temporary traffic control devices for increased safety of cyclists at road works

Anna Niska
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI (SE)

Configurations of underreported cyclist-motorised vehicle and single cyclist collisions: Analysis of a self-reported survey

Kevin Gildea
Trinity College Dublin (IE)

Safe cycling infrastructure

What can we learn about cycling safety and infrastructure design from one of the worlds’ biggest bicycle event?

Michael Koucky
Koucky & Partners AB (SE)

Effects of red coloured bicycle lanes on lateral placement of road users

Petr Pokorny

Can extended marked crossings improve the safety of crossing cyclists and pedestrians?

Tim De Ceunynck
Vias institute (BE)

Effects of four infrastructural interventions on cycling safety

Matin Nabavi Niaki


Cycling that makes sense – A qualitative exploration of cyclists’ perception of bike infrastructure
Pontus Wallgren
Chalmers (SE)


Cyclist safety in motor vehicle interactions
Karin Wiklund
Edeva AB (SE)


The influence of sharrows on road users’ rule knowledge, attitudes and reported behavior
Stefanie Ruf
TU Dresden (DE)


Assessing the impact of bicycle infrastructure treatment type on the frequency of right-hook conflicts between bicyclists and motor vehicles at signalized intersections.
Aikaterini Deliali
University of Massachusetts Amherst (US)

Safe bicycles & equipment for bicyclists


Studded tyres for bikes in Germany

Carmen Hagemeister
TU Dresden (DE)


Experimental Study on Car Collisions with Bicycles Equipped with Child Seats
Takaaki Terashima
National Research Institute of Police Science (JP)


Evaluation of bicycle lighting

Katja Kircher


From which disturbances can a cyclist still recover balance?
Marco M. Reijne
Delft University of Technology (NL)


Fall detection for a side-impact airbag in cycling
Arend Schwab
Delft University of Technology (NL)


Early-Warning System for Safe Lateral Maneuver of Bicycles
Kaushik Kalaiselvan
University of Twente (NL)


Safety4Bikes: (Usability-)Evaluation of an Assistance System for Cycling Children
Barbara Rögele
IfeS University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (DE)


User Centred Development of a Cyclists Warning System: Who should be warned and how?

Sabine Springer
Chemnitz University of Technology (DE)


Bicycle Safety Lights and Driving Behaviour: A Real-World Pilot Study
Daniel Bishop
Brunel Univerity (GB)

Methods & tools

Simulators & virtual reality

Testing infrastructure layout for cyclists: a combined examination in car and cycling simulation

Anja Katharina Huemer
Traffic & Engineering Psychology, Technische Universität Braunschweig (DE)

Validation of a Bicycle Simulator in Virtual Reality for the Study of Bicyclists’ Perceived Safety

Erin Robartes
University of Virginia (US)

Driving simulator evaluation of an advance warning system for safe cyclist overtaking

Tom Brijs
University of Hasselt (BE)

Application of Augmented Reality Warnings to Improve the Safety of Cyclists and Vehicles Interaction: a Driving Simulator Study

Alessandro Calvi
Roma Tre University (IT)

A VR cycling study on visual attention allocation and subjective risk perception at intersections

Rul von Stülpnagel
Center for Cognitive Science, University Freiburg (DE)

The effect of facility width on following and passing: a bicycle simulator study

Heather Kaths
Technical University of Munich (DE)

Near-accidents & Surrogate Measures of Safety (SMoS)

How humans perceive the severity of traffic events involving cyclists?

Oksana Yastermska-Kravchenko
Lund University (SE)

Risk estimation of critical and non-critical interactions between right-turning motorists and crossing cyclists by a Decision tree

Hagen Saul

Shedding Light on the Dark-Field of Cyclists’ Safety Critical Events: A Feasibility Study in Germany

Sabine Springer
Chemnitz University of Technology (DE)

An analysis of accidents or near-collisions during riding public bikes in Japan

Mio Suzuki
Tokai University (JP)

Eye-tracking, skin reaction, mobile apps


Using eye trackers to study cyclists’ in real life traffic situation

Ole Aasvik
Insitute of Transport Economics (NO)


The Influence of Situational Complexity, Stress, and Stated Skill on Cyclist Gaze Behaviour

April Gadsby
Georgia Institute of Technology (US)


An online monitoring tool for local infrastructure decision makers using smartphone-generated bicycle data
Maxime Jean
IFP Energies Nouvelles (FR)


An analysis on level of stress for bicycle facilities by using vital reactions according to driving tasks
Nagahiro Yoshida
Osaka City University (JP)


Assessment of a Road Roughness Crowd-Sensing with Smartphone Apps Solution
Maxime Jean
IFP Énergies nouvelles (FR)

GIS & network-based tools


Evaluation of the impact of infrastructure on cyclists accident risk based on GPS, OpenStreetMap and CARTO databases
Mariusz Kiec
Cracow University of Technology (PL)


Extension of the Road Safety Impact Assessment for bicycle traffic

Clemens Kielhauser
ETH Zurich (CH)


Evaluating bicycling crash risk with the CycleRAP tool

Monica Olyslagers
International Road Assessment Programme (AU)


Safe intersections for cyclists
Erik Donkers
VIA Traffic Solutions Software (NL)

Diverse tools


Health consequences of bicycle crashes
Marcus Skyum Myhrmann
Technical University of Denmark (DK)


Safety and usability of mandatory and advisory cycle lanes
Marcel Schreiber
German Insurers Accident Research/ German Insurance Association (DE)


Cycling safety and spatial inequality in Bogotá, Colombia
Camilo Torres-Barragan
University of Aberdeen (GB)


Shopping centres, cycling accessibility and planning – The case of Nova Lund in Sweden

Till Koglin
Lund University (SE)

Cyclists—behaviour, attitudes, perception


The monitoring and evaluation of CycleOn – a system approach

Lisanne Balk
Mulier Instituut (NL)


Interim measures for reducing speeds of cyclists
Belinda La Cour Lund
Trafitec (DK)
On the evaluation of visual nudges to promote safe cycling: Can we encourage lower speeds at intersections?

Jordanka Kovaceva
Chalmers University of Technology (SE)


Cyclists‘ Perception of Factors influencing Route Choice – a Repertory Grid Approach

Frauke Luise Berghoefer
TU Braunschweig (DE)


How outdoor lighting affects cyclist travel behaviour
Oksana Yastremska-Kravchenko
Lund University (SE)


Influence of safety perception on willingness to cycle in every season – Results of a questionnaire study in Germany

Angela Francke
Kassel University (DE)


Factors associated with perceived cycling safety of intersections, road segments and home-to-school routes of adolescents in Flanders
Sien Benoit
Ghent University (BE)


Evaluation of cyclist behaviour at stop signs: a before and after analysis on All-Way stops intersections
Bismarck Ledezma-Navarro
McGill University (CA)


Cyclists’ perception of maintenance and operation of cycling infrastructure – results from a Norwegian survey
Ole Aasvik
Institute of Transport Economics (NO)


Winter cyclists’ perceptions of environmentally friendly winter maintenance strategies on bicycle paths in Germany
Stefanie Ruf
Technische Universität Dresden (DE)


Cyclist related road anger: which situations and factors influence cyclists road anger expression and anger directed towards cyclists?
Mette Møller
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) (DK)


Factors influencing safety perceptions and cycling frequency of people who grew up in different mobility cultures
Gülin Göksu Başaran
Technical University of Denmark (DK)


How safe do you feel? – A large-scale survey concerning the subjective safety associated with different kinds of cycling lanes
Rul von Stülpnagel
University Freiburg (DE)


Attitudes and behavioral preferences of bicyclists in urban areas a three continent comparison

Giuseppina Pappalardo
University of Catania (IT)


Exploring how characteristics of cyclists’ personal items affect phone use in traffic
Rebecca Brandt
DTU Management (DK)


Characteristics of older bicycle riders in Australia
Narelle Haworth
Queensland University of Technology (AU)


Safety, frustration and cooperation when cyclists interact with other road users
Katrine Karlsen
Institute of Transport Economics (NO)

Small vehicles for personal mobility (e-scooters)


E-Scooters: What do they mean for the safety of cyclists?
Ernestine Mayer
Austrian Road Safety Board (AT)


E-scooters in Brisbane – changes in the first year since introducing a shared scheme
Narelle Haworth
Queensland University of Technology (AU)


Are scooter-car crashes different from bicycle-car crashes?
Nitesh Shah
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (US)


E-scooters and accident risk – emergency clinic data from Norway
Aslak Fyhri
Institute of Transport Economics (NO)


How do new e-vehicles compare to bicycles? New measurement challenges and opportunities for safety analyses

Marco Dozza
Chalmers University of Technology (SE)


Determinants of route choice when riding e-scooters – an empirical study
Madlen Ringhand
Technische Universität Dresden (DE)


Electric scooters injuries and causes: analysis of Swedish accident data 2019
Helena Stigson
Folksam (SE)


Ingroup or outgroup? How e-scooter riders are perceived by cyclists
Juliane Anke
Technische Universität Dresden (DE)


Visual attention and speeds of pedestrians, cyclists, and electric scooter riders when using a shared road – a field eye tracker experiment
Anton Pashkevich
Politechnika Krakowska (PL)



Pedelec user study: Safety insights into an emerging vehicle
Oliver Maier
Bosch eBike Systems (DE)


Speed differences of conventional and pedal assisted bicycles in Austria
Veronika Zuser
Austrian Road Safety Board (KFV) (AT)


Accidents involving pedelecs and conventional bicycles in Germany

Tobias Panwinkler
Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) (DE)


Evaluation of subjective safety when riding a pedelec at low speeds
Yannick Hanakam
Pforzheim University (DE)


Analysis of pedelec accidents in Germany
Kristina Gaster
German Insurers Accident Research (DE)


Cycle crashs with conventional and electric assisted cycles and measures of cycling frequency in an adults (40+Y) cohort
Bas de Geus
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)


Speed pedelecs on cycle superhighways – a dilemma of safety versus modal shift potential

Diana Skyum
Office for Cycle Superhighways (DK)


POSETIV – Potential and promotion of speed pedelecs for commuters

Veronika Zuser
Austrian Road Safety Board (AT)

Drivers—attitudes and interactions with cyclists


Attitude vs. infrastructure: influences on the intention to overtake cyclists
Anja Katharina Huemer
Technische Universität Braunschweig (DE)


Impact on traffic operation by cyclists sharing two-lane rural roads from naturalistic observation
Sara Moll
Universitat Politècnica de València (ES)


Driver response process when overtaking cyclists on European roads
Tobias Aderum
Veoneer Sweden AB (SE)


How bike lane markings shape motorist expectations of cyclist placement at intersections

Mary Still
Old Dominion University (US)


Humanising cyclists: an interdisciplinary collaborative approach to improving attitudes towards cyclists in regional areas
Marilyn Johnson
Monash University (AU)


Truck drivers’ behavior in encounters with cyclists and pedestrians in a test-track experiment
Ron Schindler
Chalmers (SE)


Study of the influence of vehicle-bicycles interaction on two-lane rural roads through a driving simulator
Sara Moll
Universitat Politècnica de València (ES)

Accident analysis


Can we still count on Safety in Numbers?

Torkel Bjørnskau
Institute of Transport Economics (NO)


Estimating the Effect of Vehicle Speeds on Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety on the Georgia Arterial Roadway Network
Kari Watkins
Georgia Institute of Technology (US)


Is Bicycling Getting Safer? Bicycle Fatality Rates (1985-2017) Using Four Exposure Metrics
Nick Ferenchak
University of New Mexico (US)


Changes in interpretation and empirical findings when fully specifying latent classes in a Latent Class Choice Model
Marcus Skyum Myhrmann
Technical University of Denmark (DK)


Description of same-direction car-to-cyclist crash scenarios using real-world data from Sweden, Germany, and a global crash database
Paloma Diaz Fernandez
Volvo Cars Corporation (SE)


Neural Network based Cyclist Crash modelling
Faheem Ahmed Malik
Northumbria University (GB)


Effects of infrastructure design, operation and volumes of bicycles and motorised vehicles on bicycle accidents at urban junctions

Bettina Schröter
Technische Universität Dresden (DE)


Crash risk and subjective risk perception during urban cycling: Accounting for cycling volume

Rul von Stülpnagel
University Freiburg (DE)

Safe motore vehicles and autonomous vehicles


Can bike-to-car communication prevent cyclist fatalities?
Jeroen Uittenbogaard


Effect of driving support system based on cycling characteristics at a nonsignalized intersection
Toshiya Hirose
Shibaura Institute of Technology (JP)


How automated vehicles should operate to avoid fatal crashes with cyclists?
Roni Utriainen
Tampere University (FI)


Do cyclists need HMIs in future automated traffic?
Siri Berge
Delft University of Technology (NL)

Conference hosts

The conference is organized in co-operation by Lund University and The Swedish Cycling Research Centre at VTI.

Transport & Roads division, Department of Technology & Society, Faculty of Engineering, LTH, at Lund University consists of ca 20 full-time senior researchers and 15 PhD students. Transport & Roads conducts extensive research related to road safety, particularly of the vulnerable road users, policy and practice in urban transportation, public transport and transport economics. It is involved in a large number of international and national projects related to various aspect of cycling, considering it to be a natural part of a sustainable transport system.

The Swedish Cycling Research Centre is hosted by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). VTI is an independent and interdisciplinary research institute in the transport sector. The Institute is an assignment-based authority under the Ministry of Infrastructure with about 200 employees. The institute has a broad competence profile and carries out applied research and development in relation to all modes of transportation. Knowledge that the institute develops provides a basis for decisions made by stakeholders in the transport sector. The administration of a national knowledge centre for research and education on cycling was commissioned to VTI by the Swedish government in 2018. In co-operation with other researchers, interest organisations and governmental bodies, VTI works on establishing long-term inter-disciplinary research to make cycling safer and more attractive.

Aliaksei Laureshyn
Lund University

Anna Niska

Carmelo D’Agostino
Lund University

Katja Kircher

Till Koglin
Lund University

Sonja Forward

Conference supporters

Lund is your charming city host, with its roots in the middle ages and its scientific mind that stretches some light years away from now. Among the engineering masterpieces we are proud of our Dome Cathedral (anno 1100), of Lund University (among the highest ranked universities in the world), of 306 km bicycle lanes (the number that is constantly increasing), of Sweden’s most recent tramway (opens in late 2020) and of the most powerful neutron research facility in the world, European Spallation Source ESS (opening in 2023).

As one of the mostly praised bicycle cities in Sweden, we are pleased to welcome you to Lund.

SAFER Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers is a competence centre where partners from industry, academia and authorities cooperate to make a centre of excellence within the field of vehicle and traffic safety. Research at SAFER spans a broad base, covering several disciplines and encompassing both safe mobility and vehicle safety in real environments. The centre’s activities engage the very elite in the field of safe transport solutions, and the results contribute to increasing the competitive advantages of the centre’s partner companies and organisations as well as help reaching Vision Zero.